Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bus route #157

Bus #157 at the PUC stop station
Today I woke up relatively early. Yesterday Saturday I slept in and I regret not rising early, but tanto faz, it was still a productive day. As was today. A pleasantly eventful weekend. 

I hopped on the correct bus, #157, but it was going the opposite direction from my final destination. When I realized this I went up to the cobrador and asked him where I should get off to reach my destination. He informed me it was going to be a bit complicated and that I was better off staying on the bus until we reached the bus hub which is located in the center of the city, that is, in downtown. A fair distance. I stayed on the bus and had a very nice conversation with Valter. Yes, with a letter /V/. His team is Flamengo. On our way back, he was pretty much my tourist guide and pointed out major city points. For R$2,75 (that would be about US$1.35). I told him so, especially how much I appreciated the helpful assistance and friendliness.

A known landmark in Ipanema.
Granted, the trip was much longer than I expected, from 20 minutes to 1:40 hours. Nevertheless, it was a worthwhile experience. If you're to become mistakenly "lost" in such a manner, do so during the day time. Especially if you're still new to the city as is my case. You can never err on being too safe, no matter where in the world you are, even at home.

I recommend that you always be friendly, cordial and have a tremendous amount of patience with yourself. Try not to act too much like a tourist. In other words, try to make your mannerisms and your dress appear similar to that of the locals. It has helped me tremendously. To such a point that many Cariocas do not realize that I am not brasileira until they have a longer conversation with me and it then becomes a topic of discussion. As they tell me: "Você parece brasileira e fala dirietinho." Let me demonstrate my giddyness: Yay!!!
I safely reached my final destination. I met Lilian at her place. I accidentally met Lilian yester-eve at Ipanema's local bakery and we soon became fast friends. I do not believe us meeting was an accident, it was destiny. She is worried I do not have a cell phone. I make do. I also figure that my trip is soon coming to an end. 

Across the bakery there is a beautiful church. I went to the 4:30 mass.
Both Lilian and I walked through the Osório market, which occurs every Sunday and is located about 2 blocks from the beach. Going there is a must, particularly if you're interested in purchasing worthwhile gifts for family. Which I of course readily accomplished. Though I realize I have to be extremely careful with my spending. Rio de Janeiro is an expensive city. Even for the people who live here. 

Market day at Praça General Osório, Ipanema 

Capoeirista figurines

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