Monday, July 30, 2012


Safe Zone in Praia Ipanema.
Not counting today, one day left. I have already started packing. The weight of books and the cachaça I purchased have me a bit worried. I will be checking in my carry-on suitcase as well. That way I can balance out the weight. My back bag will now be my carry on which I will pack with my electronics and even more books. I will be using my new purse for make-up, jewelry and documents. My feelings are conflicted: I'm happy and ready to return home but sad that I'm leaving the marvelous city of Rio de Janeiro. 

Studying in Rio de Janeiro this summer or winter if you like, has changed my life. I have a feeling that you will slowly see this unfold in the next two years.

A small açai and croissant com queijo e presunto.
This evening I went for a suco de morango ao leite, that is, a strawberry milkshake. It was delicious! Yesterday's however, was even more amazing, a small açai. The serving portion was more than enough to satisfy the vitamin need and compared to the states, pleasantly affordable. Take advantage of all the sucos here. I wish I had started going into the juice cafes from the very beginning. You will find juice cafes in almost every corner. They usually have small foods such as croissants with cheese and ham or some other combination. There are many different types of snack bars / cafes in the city as well as restaurants.

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