Thursday, July 5, 2012

Getting the Student Visa

If you are a United States citizen traveling to Brazil you must have a visa. They request one because the U.S. has an expensive and drawn out process for Brazilians (the Brazilian consulate clearly states the reasons why in their webpage). Follow the directions located in the consulate's webpage, have everything filled out, and copies ready for the consulate and yourself before you head to their office or mail everything.

Obtaining the student visa for Brazil is only going to happen once you have your acceptance letter. Receiving all the material from the host university took a bit longer than was expected. I'm participating as a Special Student and not through my university. Nevertheless, PUC-Rio sent my acceptance packet to my university's Study Abroad Program office. The only way I found out was because the coordinator Erica sent me an email as soon as she realized she had my packet. There were a couple of hurdles but everything got solved quickly enough and the following week I was able to pick up my visa:

The consulate attached a letter for the Brazil's Federal Police. Everything is very official when traveling to Brazil. Have your documents in order at all times.

The nearest Brazilian consulate for me is located in Miami, Florida. Please be aware that if you are to make a trip to the consulate give yourself enough time to find parking and also bring enough coins for the parking meters because you will be waiting in line. Do not forget to bring coins and cash with you. I was lucky I had some spare change. I did not make copies of the acceptance letter when at home and had to do so at the consulate as well as print out three months worth of bank statements. (You don't need copies but why not have an extra set for yourself?)

The consulate needs all the information they can get about you and your trip, they keep all the supporting documents. It will make the process run smoother if you have everything ready. Be aware that they do keep your passport and you are to pick it up in 7 business days or so once the visa is glued onto a blank page of your passport. Be cordial and calm while at the consulate, don't look annoyed, rushed, eager or any other description that nears the ones I've just listed. Please dress nicely and wear light make-up!

Just in case, bring some cash (bills and coins).
In general, I cannot stress enough to be parking savvy when going to consulates that are located in major cities. As I was in the waiting room a lady had to run down stairs, left her teenager daughter saving their spot in line, only to return and say that their vehicle had been towed. An ordeal that probably heightened the stress in their travel plans.

By the way, consulates aren't very glamorous. It's an office floor with people waiting in line to be assisted by officials. A 'red-tape' process. The glamour happens in the cultural events consulates promote and of course the images of movies and television drama shows.

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