Tuesday, July 12, 2011

kitchen table

I love my kitchen-dinner table. It's small, it's simply decorated and therefore perfect. It matches my tiny apartment. Being a graduate student generally means either living in a small space or living in a slightly bigger place with a roommate. I've done the latter many of times and in the last couple of years have been on my own. Although my budget is much tighter than usual, I'm not regretting this choice one bit. Not because my roommates weren't awesome individuals, because they were and continue to be so, but because it's so much fun to do whatever you want in your own place, even if it is a tiny space.

When I first moved here I decided I wouldn't paint the walls of my apartment. I actually like the soft yellow painted walls my landlord chose when he remodeled this place.

I would describe my place as cozy and as too organized.

The table cloth was specifically made for me by my mother.

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