Wednesday, July 13, 2011

small dishes

Organizing is important but having a little chaos is not a bad thing either. I say this because I realize how important chaos or a bit of disorganization can actually be for productivity, at least in my case.

My kitchen cabinets are arranged in a manner in which I can easily reach what I need, sometimes it's not easy to keep them organized since the cabinets do become full rather quickly. Especially when there are smaller items such as bowls, coffee cups and short drinking glasses. But that's because I'm always on the lookout for smaller sized dishes; smaller dishes easily permit portion control for eating, plus, one doesn't have to think about it too much.

My bowls have decreased in size but not quantity.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

kitchen table

I love my kitchen-dinner table. It's small, it's simply decorated and therefore perfect. It matches my tiny apartment. Being a graduate student generally means either living in a small space or living in a slightly bigger place with a roommate. I've done the latter many of times and in the last couple of years have been on my own. Although my budget is much tighter than usual, I'm not regretting this choice one bit. Not because my roommates weren't awesome individuals, because they were and continue to be so, but because it's so much fun to do whatever you want in your own place, even if it is a tiny space.

When I first moved here I decided I wouldn't paint the walls of my apartment. I actually like the soft yellow painted walls my landlord chose when he remodeled this place.

I would describe my place as cozy and as too organized.

The table cloth was specifically made for me by my mother.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

to a nostalgic childhood moment

This weekend begun with the last mission of Atlantis. Atlantis began taking off into space back in 1985, when I was but a tiny toddler. As I heard the count down from the radio I had a flood of memories flash before me. Our teachers in my elementary school would takes us to the open field beside the playground to watch a shuttle's take off. As a kid it was always fun to go outside and watch an aircraft move further and further away into the atmosphere. It seemed so slow from my perspective as a child but it was most definitely soaring out at incredible speeds. As I thought of all those count downs when I was in elementary school I became teary eyed.

This all happened when I was driving back to South Florida from the Treasure coast, a beautiful calm area where I grew up, and pulled onto the shoulder of I-95 in an attempt to see the take off. From the northern area of the Treasure coast we always could get a good view of the smoke the shuttle leaves behind. However, Friday was a cloudy (remainder of a week long rainfall) and impossible to see anything. All I saw were clouds and lots of traffic driving at fast speeds on the highway. Yet, in the Space Coast there was finally a bit of blue sky that allowed Atlantis and it's astronauts to take off.

For me, just pulling off to the shoulder allowed me to take a moment and nostalgically remember being a kid in elementary school.

Atlantis (first flight 1985 - final flight 2011)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

enjoying exercise

I discovered exercise about five years ago when I was in the middle of my Master's program. I had moved to a new city and after a year of living there I still didn't know very many people. I decided to do something about it and figured that getting out there was the best way to start. However, my getting out there had to consist in being physically active and finally enjoying my south Florida surroundings. So I became a walker and then a runner and then signed up for some martial art classes. This I did slowly and along the way made some of the most terrific friends. Today I still keep up with my exercise and not only enjoy the love/hate relationship with exercising but definitely enjoy seeing the results on and in my body.

Happy exercising dear friends!

My breast cancer awareness gloves for my kickboxing class and my Brooks running shoes.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

keeping organized

I don't own much makeup. Honestly I am not very good about using makeup on a daily basis. Nevertheless, I decided to organize the little that I own because it was just looking too unkempt for my own taste. Everything was just lying about on a dresser. (Tsk tsk.)

But do not fret I told myself after I found this amazing mini vase at a local discount store for .49 cents and figured it would be perfect for my makeup brushes and then I remembered I had an old espresso ceramic cup with the NYC skyline (stored away in my kitchen cabinet for a couple of years now) that would hold my eyeliners and mascara quite nicely.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Bracelets are fun, there are so many colors and textures available and I always have to control myself from purchasing bracelets or making bracelets. Making costume jewelry is a hobby that I share with my wonderful mom. I love to make earrings and necklaces the most and I usually sell some of the pieces at a local art warehouse that displays local artists. The images here are my collection of personal bracelets that I use on a daily basis, some are bought, some are gifts, and some are made.

on the left: chunky bracelets / on right: bracelets that I mix and match

my statement pieces
for the casual days
my girly as well as my romantic pieces