Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 2 - COVID19: Welcome Home

Welcome home!

DAY 2: As I write this post, it's been exactly 2 weeks since my husband returned from his work trip abroad. Tuesday.

It was Tuesday 6:00 AM. The alarm went off and I heard it as a far away sound. I remember thinking of my to-do-list when I jumped out of bed at 6:30 AM. At this point it had been none stop for two weeks. It was way past the time my son and I headed out towards his grandmother's house. You see, in order to not drop him off at 6:00AM and pick him up at 6:00PM from daycare (a 12 hour day for a 3 year old) my husband T.J. had asked his parents if they could kindly help us not disrupt our son's schedule too much. Joseph would spend part of the morning with his grandmother before she dropped him off and then he'd spend part of his afternoon with his grandfather when he picked him up. Moments like these, I will openly admit, is when I miss being near my own family: with my mother, my brothers and sisters-in-law, my nieces and nephews, and my aunts, uncles, and cousins. 

Joseph did not want to wake up this particular morning (he didn't want to go to bed the previous evening either) and yet we made it happen. He made it to grandma's. I made it to work. I was excited. My husband would be back before I arrived from work. We had agreed the day before that after he snoozed from his return flight he'd pick up Joseph from daycare.

As much as I tried to leave work on time this day I got caught up on a few conversations. They were extremely brief, just a few minutes long and yet, these minutes determined the length of my evening commute time. As such, when I finally made it to my car I already knew getting home would take me about 20 minutes longer. On my drive home I tried reaching my husband (using my car's Bluetooth, mind you) several times but to no avail. I knew he was most likely passed out. As I headed straight to Joseph's daycare I called to verify he was still there. I was on time and Joseph was ready to go home. He was talking about his friend Ethan and his carritos and who knows what else as I told him that papi was home. It might seem children don't know what's going on but I can tell you that Joseph had the biggest smile on our way home after he heard his papi was back.

When my son and I got home we walked upstairs to surprise T.J. He was sleeping. We woke him up with hugs and wet kisses. He looked exhausted but happy. The majority of his flight happened during the daylight hours while we were still sleeping. The three of us fell into our routine but not before T.J. gifted us with the souvenirs he brought us. We were all tired by the time we had dinner, T.J. more so, and bedtime was exactly at 8:00 PM this evening. 

Meanwhile, the news had picked up locally about the coronavirus. It wasn't too crazy just yet. It still didn't feel quite real. At work, the conversations between coworkers about the coronavirus were happening a lot more. We were taking it day by day and waiting on the directives from our supervisors.

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