Saturday, April 20, 2013

Picture perfect

An empty apartment preparing itself for a mountain of boxes.
It's been several months since my move to my new apartment and I'm still arranging and decorating. Moving can be a pain, but I have to admit that I enjoy the process of organizing and finding the perfect spot for things. Even if that means having to constantly move furniture around until I find the perfect arrangement. My other half tells me that that's my procrastination blanket--organizing; I dutifully stare at him blankly when he offers such perceptive comments. He's right. Organizing makes me feel like I have control of something, that I'm doing something productive when I'm not writing and am trying to get my research thoughts together. What can I say, organizing can be relaxing.

Ecuador, through my learning eyes.
Yesterday I framed some pictures I took during a study abroad program to Ecuador. I participated in this program many years ago. Seven years ago. I was a disaster arranging my picture frames, but somehow I made it work out. Everyone thankfully is drawn to the pictures and does not notice the slight measurement discrepancies. Well, at least that's what I would like to believe.

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